Golden Age Walk

The his­tor­i­cal cen­tre of Ams­ter­dam is a UNESCO world her­itage site and counts no less than 9000 list­ed mon­u­ments. The deci­sive peri­od in its devel­op­ment was the Gold­en Age of the Nether­lands. From its ori­gins as a fisherman’s vil­lage in the 12th cen­tu­ry, Ams­ter­dam devel­oped into an impor­tant har­bour town and then became one of the most promi­nent cities in Europe. This devel­op­ment is still vis­i­ble in the city fab­ric today. Take a chrono­log­i­cal walk from the very first har­bour to the medieval part of town and the baroque canal area, fin­ish­ing in the vil­lage-like Jor­daan quar­ter with its hid­den courtyards.

On this tour we show you the old town of Ams­ter­dam from an archi­tec­t’s per­spec­tive, inform­ing you about his­tor­i­cal urban design,  the archi­tec­ture of canal hous­es and water man­age­ment strate­gies. But you’ll also find out about  recent devel­op­ments on the Ams­ter­dam hous­ing mar­ket, real estate prices, munic­i­pal rental reg­u­la­tions and mea­sures tak­en against over-tourism.

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Programme: Golden Age Walk

  • Medieval Ams­ter­dam

    Expla­na­tions about the ori­gin of the city, his­tor­i­cal back­ground, lay­out of the first canals

    Cur­rent top­ics: Red light pol­i­tics and overtourism

  • Canal area

    City exten­sion from the 17th century

    Expla­na­tions about urban plan­ning, cre­ation of the canal ring, archi­tec­ture of the canal houses.

    Cur­rent top­ics: Trans­for­ma­tion, ren­o­va­tion and real estate prices

  • Jor­daan area

    For­mer poor­house of Ams­ter­dam, now a high­ly sought after res­i­den­tial area 

    Cur­rent top­ics: Urban renew­al and gentrification

All our tours can be adapted to your wishes. Contact us for more information!

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