Frequently Asked Questions

Booking Process

After fill­ing in our inquiry form or send­ing us an email inquiry, you will receive a price list. If the prices fit in your bud­get, we’ll send you a quote and pro­gramme, which you can con­firm. Then we’ll reserve a guide for you and make all oth­er nec­es­sary reservations.

We only orga­nize tours for entire groups and don’t offer open tours that par­tic­i­pants can join. If you’re inter­est­ed in a pri­vate tour for a small group, check out

Our max­i­mum group size per guide is 25 per­sons. In the city cen­tre of Ams­ter­dam there’s a munic­i­pal reg­u­la­tion lim­it­ing groups to max. 15 per­sons per guide. By bike our max­i­mum is also 15 per­sons per guide. We can han­dle groups up to ca. 200 persons.

After con­fir­ma­tion the tour pro­gramme and price are fixed. If you’d like to make changes, let us know and we will see what we can do. If the book­ing includes ser­vices which are cal­cu­lat­ed per per­son, such as entrance tick­ets or restau­rant reser­va­tions, the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants can be changed until 4 weeks before the tour.

You will receive an invoice ca. 4 weeks before the tour. Pay­ment can be made by (inter­na­tion­al) bank trans­fer. We don’t accept cred­it cards or cash payment.

Can­cel­la­tion is free until 4 weeks before the first tour day. After­wards the fol­low­ing can­cel­la­tion fees apply:

50% for can­cel­la­tion with­in 30 days before the first tour day

75% for can­cel­la­tion with­in 10 days before the first tour day

90% for can­cel­la­tion with­in 5 days before the first tour day

Tours and Programmes

We devel­op and organ­ise tours for spe­cial­ist groups, but also for non-pro­fes­sion­als inter­est­ed in archi­tec­ture. Our tar­get group includes archi­tec­ture firms, project devel­op­ers, munic­i­pal­i­ties and local author­i­ties, stu­dents, archi­tects’ asso­ci­a­tions, but also art clubs and cul­tur­al tour groups.

Our guides speak Eng­lish, Dutch, Ger­man, French and Japanese.

The start­ing points of our tours are flex­i­ble and depend on the pro­gramme. We will find the ide­al start­ing point in con­sul­ta­tion with you. You will be informed about the exact loca­tion in the quote and again by mail before the tour.

Of course, that’s pos­si­ble. The tours on the web­site are half-day mod­ules, which we can com­bine into full day or mul­ti­ple day tours. Merg­ing two tours is also pos­si­ble, if the loca­tions aren’t too far apart. Just let us know and we’ll check.

Yes, that’s pos­si­ble. Let us know which areas, build­ings or type of projects you’re inter­est­ed in and we’ll design a cus­tomized pro­gramme for you.

We always aim to include vis­its of pub­licly acces­si­ble inte­ri­ors in our tours, depend­ing on route and tim­ing. We can also arrange vis­its of pri­vate apart­ments and oth­er inte­ri­ors. These can be booked as add-ons for your tour.

Yes, we also offer lec­tures and talks about urban devel­op­ment in the Nether­lands. These can take place at your hotel or in a lec­ture room, which we rent for the occa­sion. We also hold online lec­tures, e.g. as pre-trip prepa­ra­tion. Ask us about the possibilities!

Transport and Restaurants

Of course, we’re Dutch after all! In order to ensure safe­ty and swift move­ment around town, the max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants on bike tours is 15 per­sons per guide. Please be aware that hel­mets are not oblig­a­tory in the Nether­lands. A lim­it­ed num­ber of hel­mets is avail­able at rental shops.

We can take care of all reser­va­tions. For busses, boats and water­taxis, we coop­er­ate with a local agency. For bikes, we can point you to the near­est rental shop or make a reser­va­tion for you. Many hotels have their own bikes, so that might also be worth check­ing out.

For lunch or cof­fee dur­ing a tour, we always find the best place on the route and make the reser­va­tion. For din­ner, we can send you a list of rec­om­mend­ed restau­rants with capac­i­ty for groups.

You can pay by deb­it card or cred­it card, direct­ly at the café or restau­rant. In the Nether­lands, cash is rather uncom­mon. It’s also not com­mon to pay sep­a­rate­ly, so one per­son should set­tle the bill for the whole group.

In gen­er­al, the tour always take place, rain or shine. If you’re not com­fort­able with the weath­er, let the guide know. He or she will dis­cuss the alter­na­tives with you and find a plan B, if necessary.

We always plan cof­fee and lunch breaks with toi­let facil­i­ties dur­ing the tours. But if it’s urgent, your guide will try to find a solution.

Please inform us in advance, then we’ll check if the select­ed tour is suit­able or if we can arrange some kind of sup­port for you.


Our guides are expe­ri­enced local archi­tects, who know the ins and outs of Dutch archi­tec­ture and urban­ism. Check out our team here. We aim to match our guides with the group, depend­ing on lan­guage, inter­ests, busi­ness field etc. We will let you know the name of your guide(s) a few weeks before the tour.

We aim to assign the same guide(s) to a group on all tour days, although in high sea­son there may be exceptions.

The guide waits for you at the start­ing point. You will receive his or her mobile num­ber before the tour, so you can find each oth­er if nec­es­sary. We will also ask you for the mobile num­ber of a par­tic­i­pant, which we give to the guide, just in case.

We’re always look­ing for qual­i­fied and enthu­si­as­tic guides. You can find more infor­ma­tion on this page.

Oth­er ques­tions? Send us an email!