Sustainability codex

At architour, we are highly aware of our environmental impact. We stimulate sustainability amongst our clients and participants by sharing knowledge and by minimizing the impact of tours on the environment.

• architour is a cor­po­rate part­ner of the Dutch non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion Trees for All and donates 200 trees per year. Thanks to the dona­tions Trees for All receives, new forests are plant­ed world­wide and exist­ing forests are restored with a pos­i­tive impact on cli­mate, bio­di­ver­si­ty and liv­ing con­di­tions emis­sions of tours.


• We offer var­i­ous tour pro­grammes that address sus­tain­abil­i­ty and social issues as well as envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate-relat­ed challenges.


• We encour­age the use of sus­tain­able forms of trans­port dur­ing tours, e.g. bikes and pub­lic transport.


• We lim­it group sizes in order to min­i­mize the impact of tour groups on the neigh­bour­hoods we visit.


• We coop­er­ate with and sup­port small-scale local entre­pre­neurs and restaurants.

Pho­to: Trees for All