Bike Mobility

Ams­ter­dam is the undis­put­ed cap­i­tal of cyclists. The modal split for cycling in the entire city is 50 per­cent, in the city cen­tre even 62 per­cent. Cycling is not a sport here, but an every­day mode of trans­port. While oth­er cities are more or less eager to expand their cycling infra­struc­ture, it is already a fact of life in Ams­ter­dam. Expe­ri­ence the Dutch cycling infra­struc­ture on a tour with architour! We explain the design of cycle paths, round­abouts and inter­sec­tions, show you inno­v­a­tive bicy­cle park­ing garages and shared space con­cepts and explain the impor­tant role of non-ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The tour takes you through the old city cen­tre and some new­ly devel­oped areas.

The focus of this tour is on local chal­lenges such as den­si­ty and lack of space, but above all on many best prac­tice exam­ples. And of course we’ll also devote some atten­tion to urban mobil­i­ty in gen­er­al and oth­er modes of trans­port, such as pedes­tri­ans, cars and pub­lic transport.

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Programme: Bike Mobility

  • Expla­na­tions about the his­to­ry of cycling in the Nether­lands, cur­rent trends and issues, pecu­liar­i­ties of Dutch bike infra­struc­ture, munic­i­pal and nation­al policies

  • New bike park­ing solu­tions in the city cen­tre and around the Cen­tral Sta­tion, incl. under­wa­ter garages for 11,000 bikes

  • Dutch round­about design
  • Dutch road design with sep­a­rate bike lanes
  • Not a lot of space, but a lot of bikes: den­si­ty as an issue in the old town

  • Rijksmu­se­um: a bike tun­nel and its influ­ence on muse­um design
  • Frans Hals­bu­urt: Redesign of a neigh­bour­hood with­out curb-side parking

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