Zuidas Business District

Zuidas is a busi­ness dis­trict in the South of Ams­ter­dam. Locat­ed to both sides of the A10 ringroad, the area will act as the miss­ing link between the hous­ing areas to the north and south of the motor­way. Besides office and res­i­den­tial high­ris­es, the spa­tial pro­gramme of Zuidas also includes Zuid WTC sta­tion, the future stop for high­speed trains to Lon­don and Paris. The first part of Zuidas to be real­ized was a high-den­si­ty office dis­trict with projects by inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned architects.

Around the cor­ner lies Gersh­win, the lat­est area to be real­ized. It fea­tures a.o. the lat­est star­chi­tec­ture stunt by MVRDV: the Val­ley, a mixed-use high­rise com­plex with mir­rored out­side and quar­ry-style inside.

On this tour, you’ll hear about the devel­op­ment and mobil­i­ty con­cepts of Zuidas, the icon­ic archi­tec­ture, but also about the var­i­ous approach­es to sustainabiltiy.

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Tour Programme: Zuidas Business District

  • Vis­it of the Zuidas infor­ma­tion cen­tre with city mod­el (upon appointment)

  • Train sta­tion Zuid WTC and Mahler­plein with under­ground bike parking
  • Mahler 4 – office and res­i­den­tial high­ris­es on a pub­lic plinth
    Projects by a.o. UNStu­dio, Toyo Ito, Rafael Viñoly, Erick van Egeraat
  • Step­stone (LEVS, 2024) – High­rise with stu­dent stu­dios and pre­fab con­crete construction
  • Gersh­win – res­i­den­tial build­ings, from upmar­ket to social rental
  • The CIRCL pavil­lion: sus­tain­able show­case of ABN AMRO Bank ( de Architek­ten Cie., 2017)
  • Ter­raced res­i­den­tial high­rise The George (2020)
  • The Val­ley: high­rise com­plex with inte­ri­or canyon, green ter­races and pub­lic plinth (MVRDV, 2021)
  • Hotel Van der Valk (Wiel Arets, 2021) and Nhow Hotel (OMA, 2020)
  • Mixed-use build­ing Crossover (TeamV, 2024)

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