Creating Urban Neighbourhoods

The res­i­den­tial areas of Funen­park and Oost­en­burg are locat­ed right next to each oth­er. Both are con­ver­sion areas with an indus­tri­al past: while Funen used to be a rail­way shunt­ing yard, Oost­en­burg pro­duced machin­ery. Between 2000 and 2013, Funen was trans­formed into a car-free neigh­bour­hood with 550 dwellings. Behind a noise bar­ri­er build­ing along the rail­way tracks, a park-like area was cre­at­ed in which the build­ings stand in pub­lic green space. Oost­en­burg, on the oth­er hand, is very urban and dense­ly built-up. Cur­rent­ly, a fine-grained neigh­bour­hood is being built there with 1800 dwellings in 70 build­ings, also com­pris­ing cafés, restau­rants and shops. A rem­nant from the past is the Werk­spoorhal, which is being trans­formed into a cov­ered pub­lic space and social hub on the waterfront.

On this tour you will vis­it both new neigh­bour­hoods and get an impres­sion of their very dif­fer­ent urban qual­i­ties. Hear about the devel­op­ment of the urban plans and the social backgrounds.

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Tour Programme: Creating Urban Neighbourhoods

  • Pub­lic space design by Land­lab (2008)

  • Urban vil­las by a.o. NL Archi­tects, Geurst & Schulze, Dick van Gameren, DKV, Claus en Kaan (2008–2010)

  • Funen­hof (Arons en Gelauff, 2019)

  • Expla­na­tions about  the mas­ter­plan of Oost­en­burg by Urhahn and Studioninedots

  • Hous­ing projects by a.o. OZ Archi­tect, Work­shop archi­tecten, BETA archi­tecten, Space Encoun­ters, Bureau Fraai, Paul de Ruiter, Bas Jon­gerius, Ronald Janssen (2021–2025)

  • Werk­spoorhal (1929)
    Trans­for­ma­tion of an indus­tri­al hall into a social hub

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