From Berlage to Van Eyck

Ams­ter­dam offers a wealth of urban plan­ning and archi­tec­ture from the pre- and post-war peri­ods. The south of the city in par­tic­u­lar is a ver­i­ta­ble open-air muse­um of mod­ernism.  Most of the build­ings were designed by archi­tects of the expres­sion­ist Ams­ter­dam School, but there are also some impres­sive exam­ples of Func­tion­al­ism — most notably the build­ing of the Open-Air School by Jan Duik­er. In the 1950s, Func­tion­al­ism was replaced by Struc­tural­ism. The best-known icon of this school was cre­at­ed by Aldo van Eyck: an orphan­age for 125 chil­dren. Twen­ty years lat­er, Her­man Hertzberg­er fur­ther devel­oped the typ­i­cal spa­tial con­struc­tion of struc­tural­ism in his design for the Apol­lo Schools.

On this tour you will expe­ri­ence sev­er­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples of Dutch mod­ernism, from works of the Ams­ter­dam School to Structuralism.

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Programme: From Berlage to Van Eyck

  • Hous­ing com­pound De Dager­aad by Michel de Klerk and Piet Kramer (1920)

  • Hous­ing block by Piet Zanstra (1934) and Mar­garet Kropholler (1923)

  • Res­i­den­tial high­rise by  J.F. Staal (1938)

  • Dri­ve-in hous­es by Willem van Tijen, Mart Stam, Huig Maaskant and Lotte Stam- Beese (1937)

  • 1st Montes­sori school by Willem van Tijen (1935)

  • Open Air School by Jan Duik­er (1938)

  • Apol­lo schools by Her­man Hertzberg­er (1983)

  • Orphan­age by A. van Eyck (1960)

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