Museumpark and more

The Muse­umpark is famous for its icon­ic cul­tur­al build­ings, such as the Kun­sthal and Boi­j­mans Depot. Orig­i­nal­ly, how­ev­er, it was a pri­vate estate, belong­ing to a rich mer­chant fam­i­ly. In the ear­ly 1990s, the city decid­ed to trans­form the park into a cul­tur­al clus­ter along the lines of the Muse­um Embank­ment in Frank­furt. At one end stands Het Nieuwe Insti­tu­ut, at the oth­er OMA’s famous Kun­sthal. The lat­est high­light is the bowl-shaped, com­plete­ly mir­rored show depot of the Boi­j­mans Muse­um designed by MVRDV.

This tour starts in Scheep­vaartk­warti­er, where har­bour barons and indus­tri­al­ists built their homes in the 19th cen­tu­ry. Among the state­ly vil­las you’ll dis­cov­er some unex­pect­ed­ly  mod­ern build­ings . We’ll con­tin­ue to Muse­umpark and find out about its land­scape design and the muse­um build­ings. The tour ends at the mir­rored bowl of the Boi­j­mans Depot.

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Programme: Museumpark and more

  • Scheep­vaartk­warti­er and Veerhaven

  • Muse­umpark (OMA und Yves Brunier, 1992)

  • Kun­sthal (OMA, 1992)

  • Het Nieuwe Insti­tu­ut / for­mer Dutch Archi­tec­ture Insti­tute (Jo Coenen, 1993)

  • Huis Son­n­eveld (Brinkman en Van der Vlugt, 1931)

  • Muse­um Boi­j­mans van Beunin­gen (A. van der Steur, 1935)

  • Depot of Muse­um Boi­j­mans van Beunin­gen (MVRDV, 2021)

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