Architecture of the 1920s

In the 1920s and 30s, numer­ous build­ings were cre­at­ed in Rot­ter­dam that are now con­sid­ered mod­ern clas­sics: fac­to­ries, hous­ing areas and indus­tri­al­ists’ vil­las, most­ly in the inter­na­tion­al style. The most press­ing issue, how­ev­er, was work­ers’ hous­ing, and there­fore pro­gres­sive archi­tects devel­oped new hous­ing typolo­gies for the work­ing class­es. De Kiefhoek is a vil­lage-like neigh­bour­hood that was built on an incred­i­bly low bud­get, but was archi­tec­tural­ly ground­break­ing. It lies in the south of Rot­ter­dam, which is con­nect­ed to the north­ern shore via the Maas­tun­nel, opened in 1941. On the oth­er side, In the work­ers’ quar­ter of Span­gen there are res­i­den­tial build­ings in var­i­ous stages of rede­vel­op­ment, includ­ing the award-win­ning Jus­tus van Effen­block. After years of neglect, it was ren­o­vat­ed in an exem­plary man­ner a few years ago.

On this tour you will vis­it two famous and one less­er-known 1920s hous­ing estate. The pro­gramme can be com­plet­ed with a vis­it to the Van Nelle fac­to­ry. The white fac­to­ry, once described by Le Cor­busier as “the most beau­ti­ful spec­ta­cle of mod­ernism”, is now a UNESCO World Her­itage Site.

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Programme: Architecture of the 1920s

  • Hous­ing area Kiefhoek (J.J.P. Oud, 1827–30)

  • Har­bour work­ers vil­lage Hei­j­plaat (Gebr. Baan­ders, 1918)

  • Hous­ing area Span­gen: Jus­tus van Effen block (Michiel Brinkman, 1919–22 / Ren­o­vat­ed by Mole­naar & Co, 2012)

  • Van Nelle Fac­to­ry (Brinkman en Van der Vlugt, 1923–30) — Inte­ri­or vis­it with exter­nal guide

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