Innovative Urbanism: Duin and Homerus

Right from the start, the new town Almere con­sid­ered itself not only an over­spill for Ams­ter­dam, but also a field for exper­i­men­ta­tion, espe­cial­ly for new urban­is­tic ideas.

The main objec­tive of the Home­rus dis­trict was to pro­vide self-build oppor­tu­ni­ties. The icon­ic urban plan was devel­oped by MVRDV and OMA. By set­ting up a spe­cial finan­cial arrange­ment and by offer­ing rel­a­tive­ly small plots, self-build has become acces­si­ble for low­er income groups. 

Neigh­bour­ing Duin, designed by land­scape firm ZUS, is a new-build area on 10-metre-high arti­fi­cial dunes. The hous­es are set in a sand land­scape with open gar­dens and col­lec­tive green area’s.

Vis­it two neigh­bour­hoods with us which are based on inno­v­a­tive urban plans! We’ll show you self-build hous­ing, a tiny hous­ing build­ing expo and a res­i­den­tial area embed­ded in arti­fi­cial dunes.

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Programme: Duin and Homerus

  • Expla­na­tions about the cre­ation of the pold­ers, mas­ter­plan for Almere, growth of the city, plans for the future

  • Home­ruskwarti­er

    Mas­ter­plan by OMA and MVRDV (2006–2030)

    Walk through the area with var­i­ous hous­ing projects (2014–2016)

  • Hous­ing com­plex Itha­ka (VMX archi­tects, 2010)

  • Tiny Hous­ing Expo, var­i­ous archi­tects (2018)

  • Plan Duin 

    Mas­ter­plan by ZUS (2010 ‑2025)

    Walk through the area with projects by Groos­man Archi­tecten, Van Bergen Kol­pa, Klun­der Archi­tecten, Paul de Ruiter etc.

All our tours can be adapted to your wishes. Contact us for more information!

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