Art and Architecture on Artificial Land

In the late 1940s, work start­ed on one of the biggest land recla­ma­tion projects ever in the Nether­lands. Based on a plan by engi­neer Cor­nelis Lely, two large pold­ers were reclaimed in lake IJs­selmeer, the for­mer Zuiderzee. In 1968 the long-term project was com­plet­ed. Both pold­ers were struc­tured with a geo­met­ric pat­tern of canals, roads and fields. The emp­ty new land proved an ide­al place for exper­i­ments. At Water­loop­bos, Dutch water engi­neers spread scale mod­els of water man­age­ment projects in a for­est. In the 1990s com­put­er sim­u­la­tions took over, and the scale mod­els were sim­ply aban­doned in the for­est. In 2018 the trans­for­ma­tion of a giant wave tun­nel into the stun­ning Delta­work sculp­ture added a con­tem­po­rary touch to this his­toric site. 

Sev­er­al oth­er (land)art works have been installed on the ratio­nal­ist pold­ers over the decades – most of them cel­e­brat­ing the flat­ness and arti­fi­cial­i­ty of the landscape.

On this tour, you’ll see the mod­ernist mod­el vil­lage Nagele as well as sev­er­al large-scale land art­works in the pold­er and a new art pavil­ion in Almere.

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Programme: Art and Architecture on Artificial Land

  • Nagele

    Mod­el vil­lage in the pold­er, planned in the 1950s by o.a. Ger­rit Rietveld, Aldo van Eyck and land­scape archi­tect Mien Ruys

  • Deltaw­erk // (RAAAF and Ate­lier de Lyon, 2018)

    Trans­for­ma­tion of a for­mer wave machine into a mon­u­men­tal sculpture

  • Water­loop­bos

    For­mer test lab­o­ra­to­ry with scale mod­els of water engi­neer­ing projects

  • Expo­sure (Antony Gorm­ley, 2010)

    35 m high sculp­ture of a crouch­ing man at the start of Houtribdijk

  • Green Cathe­dral (Mar­i­nus Boezem, 1987)

    Lan­dart project: 178 poplars plant­ed on the floor­plan of the cathe­dral of Reims

  • Art pavil­ion M. (Stu­dio Ossid­i­ana, 2022)
    Exhi­bi­tion space, float­ing in lake Weer­wa­ter, nom­i­nat­ed for the EUMie­sAward 2022

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