The Green Structures of Almere

The new town of Almere is still grow­ing up and faces spe­cif­ic chal­lenges in sus­tain­able urban devel­op­ment, cli­mate adap­ta­tion, place­mak­ing and the devel­op­ment of nature. Our tour starts in the city cen­tre of Almere and takes you through var­i­ous neigh­bour­hoods. In the Noorder­plassen area, self-build hous­es are tucked away in inti­mate for­est plots or exposed in the open wet­lands. Neigh­bour­hood Duin is a new-build area with arti­fi­cial dunes as char­ac­ter­iz­ing ele­ment. The hous­es are set in a sand land­scape with open gar­dens and col­lec­tive green area’s, result­ing in a hol­i­day atmos­phere, which is miles away from the bore­dom of ordi­nary row house settlements.

Dur­ing this 23-kilo­me­ter bike tour, you’ll expe­ri­ence all facets of land­scape in Almere. We’ll show you the boule­vards, canals, parks, forests and lakes that con­sti­tute the back­bone of this urban set­tle­ment: its blue-green land­scape structure.

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Programme: Green Structures of Almere

  • Expla­na­tions about the cre­ation of the pold­ers, mas­ter­plan for Almere, the green struc­ture,  growth of the city, plans for the future

  • Esplanade square and park around the Weer­wa­ter (Karres& Brands, 2016- 2022)

  • Stad­huis­prom­e­nade (Lola Land­scape, 2021)

  • Cas­cade­park in Almere-Poort

  • Plan Duin,  ZUS (2010 ‑2025)

  • Pam­pushout: the tran­si­tion from pold­er land­scape to city landscape

  • Noorder­plassen: small parcels with self-build ini­tia­tives in the woods and along the water

  • Beatrix­park

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