Strijp S and Strijp R

Stri­jp S and R, once the pro­duc­tion grounds of Philips, are now the cre­ative epi­cen­ters of Eind­hoven, blend­ing post-indus­tri­al build­ings with mod­ern hous­ing. Stri­jp, orig­i­nal­ly a vil­lage, became home to Philips’ Stri­jp S in 1918, fea­tur­ing radio fac­to­ries and lat­er a tele­vi­sion fac­to­ry at Stri­jp R. Post-pro­duc­tion, Stri­jp S evolved into a vibrant cre­ative dis­trict, host­ing the annu­al Dutch Design Week. Stri­jp R trans­formed into a low-rise res­i­den­tial area with around 500 homes. Piet Hein Eek, a renowned design­er, played a piv­otal role as place­mak­er in these areas, ini­ti­at­ing var­i­ous projects start­ing from a work­shop in a for­mer ceram­ics factory.

Our tour will take you through this dynam­ic zone, show­cas­ing a mix of raw fac­to­ry struc­tures, archi­tec­tur­al con­ver­sions, and con­tem­po­rary designs, cul­mi­nat­ing in a vis­it to Piet Hein Eek’s show­room and café.

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Programme: Strijp S and Strijp R

• For­mer fac­to­ry build­ing Klokge­bouw (1928 / Van Hel­mond Zuidam and FAAM archi­tects, 2014)

• Anton and Ger­ard build­ings, ren­o­va­tion by Jo Coenen and DiederenDirrix (2014)

Ketel­huis­plein — heart of the Dutch Design Week

Afford­able hous­ing high­ris­es Haas­je Over (VMX, 2021) and Bostoren (Stu­dio Boeri / INBO, 2022), Space S (INBO, 1922)

Ware­house top-up Veemge­bouw (Caru­so St John, 2022)

• Green urban axis Tore­nallee (West 8, 2013)

• Stri­jp R: expla­na­tions about the his­to­ry and transformation

Self-build vil­las by a.o. Mon­ad­nock and Stu­dion­ine­dots (2019–2021)

Row hous­es by Hilberink­bosch, Hap­pel Cor­nelisse Ver­ho­even, DiederenDirrix, Bedaux de Brouw­er (2019–2023)

• Design­er Piet Hein Eek as place­mak­er: Green Hous­es, RAG build­ing, RF build­ing and work­shop with shop and restau­rant (2016/2017)