
Book a lec­ture about archi­tec­ture and urban­ism in the Nether­lands, pre­sent­ed by archi­tec­ture jour­nal­ist Anneke Bok­ern, archi­tect and lec­tur­er Paul Vlok or anoth­er expert from the architour team!

Talks can be booked sep­a­rate­ly or as part of a guid­ed tour, in Eng­lish, Dutch or Ger­man. They are 45 min­utes long and fol­lowed by 15 min­utes of Q&A. If you wish, we can take care of arrang­ing a lec­ture hall or meet­ing room with all the nec­es­sary equipment.

Talks and lectures can also be held online, e.g. via Zoom — perfect as preparation for your study trip or tour!

Talk 1: Built on Sand 

In this lec­ture we tell you about water man­age­ment and land­scape devel­op­ment through the cen­turies, about foun­da­tion tech­niques and the par­tic­u­lar chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties of build­ing in Holland. 
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Talk 2: Amsterdam – City on the IJ 

This lec­ture is an intro­duc­tion to the urban his­to­ry of Ams­ter­dam. Find out about the cre­ation of the famous canal area, but also about recent projects, e.g. the rede­vel­op­ment of the shore­line and the plan­ning of the very first high­rise district. 
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Talk 3: Rotterdam – Modern Harbour City 

We’ll tell you about the urban his­to­ry of Rot­ter­dam, includ­ing its ori­gins, the recon­struc­tion peri­od after the war and cur­rent top­ics, such as the trans­for­ma­tion of for­mer har­bour areas and the chal­lenges of gentrification. 
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Talks 4: Sustainable Rotterdam 

Rot­ter­dam has to cope with a lot of chal­lenges relat­ed to cli­mate change. Inno­v­a­tive, prag­mat­ic and sim­ple solu­tions are being test­ed in the city. Find out about the Dutch approach to sustainability. 
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Talk 5: Affordable Housing in the Netherlands 

The Nether­lands have a long tra­di­tion of social hous­ing and the high­est social hous­ing per­cent­age in Europe. We’ll inform you about the his­to­ry of the sys­tem and cur­rent chal­lenges, such as seg­re­ga­tion and gentrification. 
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